Tuesday, Studio
- Submit your prototype to the user tester. Forward your video to me before the next class.
- If you haven’t already, start programming your project
- Reading: Frank Chimero, The Web’s Grain. Reading presentation by volunteer, discussion question for everyone else.
Wednesday, Lab
- Kristen and Evelin share weekly interest.
- Discuss HTML/CSS Puzzles exercise and compare solutions.
- Studio project worktime: continue programming Obsessions project
Weekly Interest
- Shuting and Vincent start next class with weekly interest.
Friday, Studio
- Calendar recap: Obsessions presentations: Tuesday April 3rd and Wednesday April 4th, Spring Break, April 7th Announcement, Mini Project
- Announcement: Midterm evaluations coming over break! If you want further feedback on your projects, email me.
- Reading discussion: Yaren presents on Frank Chimero, The Web’s Grain and we discuss.
- User testing review, watch some videos. Discuss what we learned. How did it feel having someone else interact with your work? If you weren’t able to get a usertesting account, I’ll send you a code you can use after spring break. You will be graded on submitting and responding to your peer tester, however.
- Invidiual meetings before the break.
- Have about 75-80% of your project online. We will begin working on a mini project concurrently so it’s in your best interest to get as much progress done over the break.
- Consider visting a museum or show and researching your masterpiece for the next project.
- Reading: Charles Broskoski interview on The Creative Independent. Reading presentation by Jahyun, discussion question for everyone else.