Navigating Terminal:
cd folder_name # moves inside the folder folder_name
cd .. # moves up one folder
ls # lists the contents of a folder
pwd # shows the path of the current folder you are in
Git commands:
git status # shows the status of your git repo
git add . # add the changes you want to commit
git commit -m 'message' # commit your changes with a message
git push # transfers the files to GitHub
- The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web
- Pro Web Type
- Character Cheat Sheet
- WhatFont Tool
- Fonts in Use
Contemporary Type Foundries
- Colophon
- Milieu Grotesque
- Commercial Type
- Grilli Type
- Village
- Lineto
- Klim Type Foundry
- Hoefler & Co
- Font Bureau
- Radim Pesko
Website Inspiration
Other Design Inspiration
- It’s Nice That
- AIGA Eye on Design
- Many Stuff
- Under Consideration: FPO
- Raw Color
- Women of Graphic Design
- The Strange Attractor
- Typetoken
- Library of the Printed Web