Tuesday, Studio
- Refine your idea for Click, Click and design the rest of the pages of your site. Upload to InVision by the start of class.
- Esra, prepare a reading presentation for Fuck Content by Michael Rock
- Rest of class, do the reading and discussion q
Wednesday, Lab
- If you did not complete all questions from the HTML quiz, complete and upload this to your GitHub account before next class.
- If you did not complete the Personal Journey exercise, complete and upload this to your GitHub account before next class.
- Read W3 School’s CSS tutorials. Please skim the contents of each section under the “CSS Tutorial” sidebar. (That’s the sections named “CSS HOME” through “CSS Website Layout”).
- Update your GitHub pages repo by applying some CSS to it. If you’ve already applied CSS, please make an update to it using something you learned when reading the W3 School’s CSS tutorials.
Friday, Studio
- Esra presents on Michael Rock, Fuck Content
- Review file structure
- Text and object styles in Sketch
- Individual meetings on project
- Time permitting: Sketch Plugins Distributor, Craft, Find and Replace,Zeplin
- Finish your designs for Click, Click